Fotona Laser Treatments

You no longer need to fear or stress when it comes to receiving general dentistry procedures at Smiles By Shields. This is thanks to the latest technology, the Fotona Lightwalker Laser, which offers numerous benefits to our patients of all ages.

Without the use of shots or drills, this laser treatment is ideal for filling cavities or other minimal surgeries, such as frenotomy for tongue tie release. The Fotona Laser includes an added bacterial effect that is free from vibrations or high-pitched sounds, which helps to ease the tension that can be associated with visiting the dentist.

This state-of-the-art technology is not only effective for holistic dentistry procedures, but for integrative dentistry services as well. Nightlase is a non-invasive cutting-edge laser procedure we perform in-office, without anesthesia, that helps to reduce or eliminate snoring in patients.

Nightlase uses the heat of the laser to tighten the airway causing you to snore. Each treatment is extremely comfortable, requires no down-time, and can be done in 15 minutes. Patients can resume their daily routines immediately afterwards, and see results after each session.

Along with the benefits of the Fotona laser, this revolutionary technology can also be used to help cosmetically improve dark or puffy eyes, fine lines, wrinkles, varicose veins, age spots on the face, and even perform facial peels that improve the appearance of your skin’s health.

Contact us

Smiles by Shields
3940 San Jose Park Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32217