
Veneers vs. Crowns: Which is Right for You?

A big part of dental hygiene is maintaining a brilliant smile. Since your smile is often a defining attribute of your face, it’s vital to take care of it as much as possible. While brushing and flossing can go a long way toward making your teeth shine, sometimes, you need some extra work. When tooth decay or discoloration is too advanced to reverse with standard oral hygiene, there are two primary options to fix the issue: veneers and crowns.

What are Veneers?

Dental veneers are shells of material that are attached to the front of your teeth to make them look whiter and brighter. The main purpose of dental veneers is to improve the look of your smile, not necessarily to reinforce decayed teeth or undo significant damage.

Veneers are relatively easy to install, and they can often upgrade the look of your smile immediately. Plus, modern veneers blend well with the rest of the teeth, so it’s harder to tell when they’re in place.

Pros and Cons of Veneers

Getting dental veneers is a common option for those who have discolored or decayed teeth. The process is very simple and affordable, and many people can benefit from having them.

The primary downside of veneers is that they don’t reinforce the teeth, so it’s still possible to experience tooth decay after installing veneers. Also, in some cases, you may need to add more veneers to healthy teeth to ensure color consistency for your entire mouth.

What are Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that go over cracked or decayed teeth. The primary objective of wearing a crown is to prevent further damage while also improving the look of your smile.

Pros and Cons of Crowns

Crowns are also relatively easy to put over your teeth, although the process is much more involved than it is for dental veneers. Crowns are also great at improving your smile since they can fit seamlessly with the rest of your teeth. Finally, capping a damaged or cracked tooth can help extend your smile’s lifetime.

Although crowns come with some impressive benefits, they can also have a few substantial downsides. First, the dentist must remove some enamel to allow the crown to fit. So, if the crown breaks or comes off, you have to replace it immediately since the original tooth won’t be in good condition.

Another downside is that crowns have a relatively short shell life. On average, crowns need to be replaced every five to 10 years, so you’ll need to come back for a follow-up appointment down the line.

Which is Better: Veneers or Crowns?

Although both dental veneers and crowns help improve your smile, they work best in different situations. Let’s break down some comparisons to help you make an informed decision:

  • Price – Veneers are usually the cheaper option, although it depends on how many you’ll have to get.
  • Protection – Crowns are designed to protect what’s left of the tooth, while veneers generally don’t.
  • Appearance – Both veneers and crowns can appear as real teeth, helping you get the smile you deserve.
  • Installation – When you get a crown, the dentist has to remove some enamel. While grinding used to be part of the veneer placement process, it isn’t anymore. So, you can generally get veneers installed in a couple of visits, while a crown may take a lot more time and patience.

Overall, if you’re mostly concerned with improving the look of your smile and have decent dental hygiene habits, we would recommend veneers. However, if you have some teeth that are beyond repair, a crown may be the only choice.

Get Your Better Smile From Our Cosmetic Dentistry in Jacksonville, FL

Regardless of the type of cosmetic dentistry you need, Smiles by Shields Dentistry has you covered. We make sure to walk you through each process so you know what to expect every step of the way. If you’re not sure which option would work best for you, we can provide insight so you make an informed decision. Call us today to schedule an appointment!


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Smiles by Shields
3940 San Jose Park Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32217