
Cavity prevention in… beavers?

According to the American Dental Association, $111 billion a year is spent on dental services in the U.S., a significant part of that on cavities and other tooth decay issues. Nearly 100 percent of adults experience cavities in their lifetime, and your Jacksonville FL dentist works with patients of all ages to prevent tooth decay from occurring.

It turns out that new research into the oral health of beavers teaches us something about enamel. Beavers don’t brush their teeth or drink fluoridated water, but a new study reports beavers do have protection against tooth decay built into the chemical structure of their teeth because of the iron density in their tooth enamel. Their pigmented enamel is harder and more resistant to acid than regular enamel, including that of human enamel treated with fluoride. This discovery is among others that could lead to a better understanding of human tooth decay, earlier detection of the disease, and improving on current fluoride treatments.

While we may not learn much from beavers regarding personal hygiene, we sure can envy their stronger, more cavity-resistant enamel! If you have questions about your oral health, contact the team at Smiles by Shields today!


Northwestern University. (2015, February 12). Making teeth tough: Beavers show way to improve our enamel. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 16, 2015 from


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Smiles by Shields
3940 San Jose Park Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32217