
Anti-depressants, bone growth, and your smile

As your Jacksonville dentist committed to overall wellness and your health, Dr. Tiffany Shields reminds patients to always share information regarding medications with their medical professionals. Your anti-depressants could have an impact on your dental care!

Researchers at McGill University noted that common anti-depressants such as Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft come with warnings that they present with an increased risk of bone fracture and reduced bone formation. For patients who have lost teeth, a normal course of treatment may include a referral for dental implants. However, the formation of new bone and the rate at which bone heals are essential in the success of the new implants. The researchers decided, then, to investigate whether patients taking anti-depressants have any significant difference from the general population in the success of their dental implants.

While dental implants are still largely effective and complication-free, the rare failure of implants was twice as likely in patients on these anti-depressants than in the general population. If you’re taking anti-depressants and have experienced tooth loss, be sure to talk to your Jacksonville dentist about dental implants and other treatment options. Call us today for your appointment!


McGill University. “Drugs for depression linked with failure of dental implants.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from


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Smiles by Shields
3940 San Jose Park Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32217